Sunday, July 7, 2013

Doni’s Life and Loss

Doni’s Life and Loss    I read this article today. A friend of mine posted it on facebook, and I think its on aish hatorah's website. Its about a frum family whose son suffered from mental illness and has recently committed suicide. Unfortunately many people suffer from mental illness and this article is a window into that world . It is well written and very sad. I recommend reading this article not because its sad, but to raise awareness and empathy toward others.

1 comment:

Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

The problem is that mental illness freaks other people out.
An asthmatic who's wheezing? A guy with chest pain from a heart attack? No problem, just call 911. The person acts normally otherwise.
But mental illness? That affects how you interact with the world, how you speak, how you respond. That makes too many people it's something under the person's control, like "just snap out of it!" More's the tragedy for that.