Tuesday, February 12, 2008

at what age did you feel you had reached adulthood?

  1. 21 - 30%
  2. 30 -38%
  3. 33 -7%
  4. 40 -0%
  5. not yet!!-23%

my poll closes in a few minutes, but i figured id start writing anyway. i was hoping to get 20 respondents, but instead i got lucky 13. its all good. i really did get results along the lines i might have guessed, and im glad that although there were those who responded with not yet, no one felt they had reached adulthood at 40 . of course, im not sure anyone over forty responded and im not sure if any of the respondents who felt they had reached adulthood at 21 were actually over thirty. i appreciate the nod from the reader who responded that they felt they had reached adulthood at 33.

i myself feel i reached adulthood at 30.

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