Tuesday, May 19, 2009

last minute people

im definitely not a last minute person. its not that im inflexible its just that i like a little bit of structure. i like being able to call up a friend one day of the week and make plans for a few days later. last minute people like to scan every event they could possibly attend and make sure they dont miss out on any possibility so they wait until the very last minute to decide upon plans. either that or they are very lazy. or both.

when things arent time bound its fine being last minute. one is apt to face alot of sold-out signs when one is last minute. if something is unimportant to me i dont mind. otherwise i do mind. alot of singles are last minute. this is why its possible to sign up for a shabbaton last minute.
i like being more of the planner type because i like being able to look forward to things. if one doesnt have any plans there are no plans to look forward to.
though not a last minute person myself i respect the fact that everyone has his/her way of doing things. just because im of the more responsible type i realize not everyone is as time savvy as i am.

1 comment:

Ookamikun said...

Here, here. Last minute people annoy me. "You know I have kids and besides that I may have plans, why are you calling me an hour before?!"