Sunday, October 2, 2011

new years resolutions....

i'd like to start this new year on the right foot by going to sleep at eleven o'clock. it will indeed be a challenge. i am going to wind down for the next hour so i will be able to reach  my goal. wish me luck. layla tov!


Anonymous said...

Earlier this year I decided to start going to bed earlier. I decided to stop charging my laptop past noon, and not plugging it in in the evening. I would let myself stay awake until it died, so i was in bed by 1030 / 11. it worked for a bit. Then those hours got to early with work and school....

Yedid Nefesh said...

Wow good luck!!! Myself I am still awake at 1 am blogging!!!

smb said...

I have a similar goal to go to bed sooner than i do

frum single female said...

after two nights i am still not yet at my goal of going to sleep at eleven although i have gotten to sleep earlier than usual which is still not great.