Thursday, April 7, 2011

simcha dancing or let the wild rumbus start!!

the worst part of a frum wedding is the dancing. i am a  spoil sport. its not that i dislike the concept of  dancing at weddings its just that usually its just a matter of time before someone nearly cripples me by crushing my toes with their high heels. often i sit the whole dancing part out because of this fear.
my other gripe about  simcha dancing shows my age. if the participants in the dancing circle are  much too young they tend to  dance way too fast.... if the dancing is too quick i am prone to falling. falling on the floor at a wedding in my nicest dress is not my idea of  simcha.
if i can survive simcha dancing unscathed- without falling on the floor and without having my toes smashed then i consider the simcha a truly blessed event.....

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