Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Expect the Unexpected

     I admit that I am pretty good at judging situations but even I will concede that everything does not always turn out as expected. One might guess that something may not work out but be surprised that the reason it did not work out is not remotely the reason one thinks it would be. This does work the the other way as well. One may expect something to turn out well, but it does not end up being wonderful for the reason one thought it would be fabulous.

1 comment:

Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

The important thing is to take the long view.
When I finished medical school I was hoping to stay in the same city for residency. Instead I got assigned to what I thought was a dumpy city I'd absolutely hate.
17 years later I'm still in that dumpy city (what? It is!) but comparing my career path to those of my friends who stayed in the other city I'm doing way better, professionally, financially and personally than if I'd have stayed.
Sometimes life tosses you a curve ball and hitting a foul is the best response.