Sunday, April 19, 2009

ashton kutcher vs cnn

i was watching oprah last week and lo and behold oprah was joining twitter. twitter is a site i have not yet joined. i was probably the last person to join facebook, so you can imagine how quickly im running to join twitter ! as oprah was touring twitter, she featured ashton kutcher. apparently ashton kutcher wanted to see if he could get more followers than cnn and i think that that meant he needed more than 10 thousand followers. of course all of us celebrity stalkers know that adorable ashton married to 14 yrs older demi would win!
though ashton portrayed the studly doofus michael kelso on that 70's show he's not just some dumb himbo. he wanted to prove that the media is so nuts that a tv actor could get more followers than cnn! he also wanted to show how strong one lone voice can be on the internet.
i dont have anywhere near 10 thousand followers on my blog, but i do think that blogs have a strong voice. one never knows who can find a blog and read its message.


Altie said...

Too true. Btw's, I was watching Dr. Phil, and there was a couple who's marriage was really affected by twitter. Aparrently, the husband was tweeting (verb form of twittering) all day, even when he spent time with his wife. She didn't like that much. (I see why she would feel that way.) So whatever you do, don't go overboard with twitter. Anything can be good, in moderation.
But I'd vote for Ashton, just cuz he's cute.

frumskeptic said...

I don't particularly like Ashton Kutcher, but if there were a celeb I liked, I'd pick a celeb over CNN any time... After all, the CNN is just a disgusting biased news network.

Communist News Network... lol.

Eitherway, I totally get your point. Afterall, I'd join FoxNews, or WSJ or whatever else was on thier. (I got rid of my twitter about a week after I joined, so i didn't really play around enough to know what was on there or not to follow)

Ookamikun said...

Come over to the tweet side FF! And FS, come back!!!

Very good post about twitter, after reading it, started following the 2 "funny folks".

And this is me