Saturday, April 25, 2009


usually i dont tell my parents about any of the guys i go out with because they always think that they are wonderful and why dont i marry them. he's jobless... marry him. he's jewish ... marry him...he's unreliable... marry him. occasionally they shock me and actually dont like someone. i wouldnt take my parents advice about a guy if they like him but if they dislike a dude i take heed. if he is bad enough for my parents not to like he must be bad.

usually if my parents dislike a guy its because he's too opinionated and probably a republican. im a registered democrat who would better be categorized as an apatheticrat so coincidentally an opinionated republican would not be for me .

any man with a history of being less than kind to any male member of my family isnt considered much of a catch either by the parental code.

at the moment i cant recall any other exceptions to the hesoundswonderfulmarrryhim rule. so if a guy is nice to my brothers and a democrat my parents will get out their net and try to get him to marry me.

oy vey.


Talmudist said...

you're an apatheticrat too? We can start an actual political party.

Mikeinmidwood said...

They aay the husband and wife have to be opposites somewhere, an opinionated republican and you are perfect.

Ookamikun said...

Don't people usually marry those that their parents don't like. Hence the mother-in-law jokes.