Friday, October 9, 2009

a new approach

many cringe when they see lubavitchers approaching . i suggest rethinking this gut reaction. lubavitchers go out of their way to speak to jews who do not look exactly as they do. this is a good thing. often the unaffiliated jew becomes self-hating. this especially occurs while trying to fit in with the secular world. this is extremely dangerous. it is important for all of us who are observant to make sure those who are not affiliated feel welcome. this does not necessarily mean trying to convert them to be exactly like us. we just need to make sure they do not feel alienated from the greater jewish culture/religion. they need to feel like judaism can be an option for them . the door is still open.
one may not want to be as daring as the lubavitcher, but one has to respect their tenacity and ahavas yisroel that many other jews do not have.
hitler hated jews because of our association with judaism. let us learn to appreciate our judaism and our fellow jews. without having to have some rasha point it out. no one should feel abandoned.
chag sameach!

1 comment:

Ookamikun said...

If you're talking about Simchat Torah, I'll stop cringing when they'll stop barging into my shul, while seriously drunk and behaving like idiots. Things haven't escalated to outright fighting but have come close on several occasions. This is not how you spread simcha.

I also have a problem with them trying to convert people who are already frum.

"but one has to respect their tenacity and ahavas yisroel that many other jews do not have."
This only extends to their own members and potential converts. I've worked with lubabs for several years and the ahavas yisroel does not extend to other sects or to those who are not "100%" lubavitch. For example, someone who shaves/trims.