Friday, April 16, 2010

more grieving....

the death of a parent really hits a person by surprise. here you are going about your business and then boom, it happens. my dad had some health issues , but i didn't think that he would pass away at the age he was. both of my dad's parents lived until their late eighties. if you would have met my dad you would have never thought that he was the age that he was. he was so full of strength.
when a parent dies it not only makes you confront their mortality but one's own. it also makes you realize that no matter how much you wished your relationship could have been more ____ (fill in the blank however you wish) you still miss them and wish they would still be on this earth.
the death of a parent means your nuclear family is never going to be the same. you have become part of a club that you never wanted to join in the first place. the club of those who have lost a parent.


Dante Inferno said...

Unfortunately, there is no biological or medical outline to determine how long, or by what methods one must endure their grief before they can say... perform an action as passive as looking at a picture of their diseased and not be upset. For some people, it may take months, others can take years to complete the grieving process.

I wish you the best of luck in this endeavor, and I would like to express my deepest condolences for your loss.

frum single female said...

thank you so much avi.

Karen Zampa Katz said...

I am so sorry to read about your husband lost his beloved mother this year. We are an older couple, and although she had lived a wonderful life, she had been ok and we were surprised. No matter how old one is, no matter how long our loved one has lived,The loss is great.

professionally I have worked with grief, (therapist/social worker) personally I have experienced grief.... grief is its own master..we can pretend to "over it" and it will expect it's due....

grief is a part of the human is...

I wish you peace....and calm even if there are tears.


frum single female said...

thank you karen.