Tuesday, August 23, 2011

perverse eating habits

have you ever had desert at shabbos lunch and felt that the hostess enjoyed watching you eat the dessert more than you enjoyed actually eating the dessert? usually the hostess is a size two and is eating two bites of some gross looking diet dessert  as she is forcing everyone else at the table to eat whatever cake / cookie/ mousse/ pareve ice cream that she has served. it goes beyond the stereotypical jewish mother syndrome. these women have forbidden themselves to eat sweets so they feel that by watching someone else eat decadently they will vicariously be eating the sweets. its kind of like if there is some delicious looking treif treat at work  and you watch someone else enjoy it because you can't, except its worse because these women could really eat these desserts they just won't because by eating desert they will risk a fate worse than death . they risk becoming a size four.
i of course can't stand this type of food pusher because they make me feel like they think im fat so they want to make sure i have dessert but of course they are so skinny  they don't need dessert. if they didn't enjoy watching everyone at the table eat the dessert i might actually believe them.


Princess Lea said...

This has happened to me, but in another way. The woman who is not skinny but watching herself insists that her food amazing so we must eat it while she doesn't.

I don't think she is saying she is skinny and you are fat. As a hostess, she has to put out what she believes her guests will enjoy. They should not be restricted just because she has decided to deprive herself.

Would you want to be stuck with alfalfa sprouts just because the hostess is on a diet?

What I don't understand is when the hostess insists her food is delicious and shoves it down your throat. It doesn't make it any better just because she's eating it. Lady, you can't cook. Making me eat it won't make it yummy.

katrina said...

I have to say that I feel sorry for the sort of hostess you are describing, even though I struggle with my weight and have definitely felt that others think I am fat. Restricting food like that is not healthy and is psychologically damaging.

As for you, if you don't want to eat the dessert, why not just say you're full? Are you concerned about appearing impolite?

frum single female said...

i usually eat the dessert if its something that interests me otherwise i do not. i guess it makes me uncomfortable for a host to be so gung ho about me eating the dessert when they are not. i suppose it would make me feel better if they just said they were allergic to the dessert's ingredients. i guess the way they act about the dessert makes me feel like i shouldnt be eating it even though that probably is not their intention. they just don't want any.