Wednesday, September 21, 2011

the new year

i am so looking forward to the jewish  new year of 5772. i love the idea of new beginnings. if there was a new year every four months or so it would be perfect so long as i didn't get a year older every four months. a birthday every twelve months is my limit.
5771 has been a tough one . for most of the year i was in avaylus (mourning) for  my father and the rest of the year has been exhausting in my working and social life.
anticipation is often more fun than reality. this is why i am actively anticipating the new year. then again having something to look forward to makes the world a little sweeter.
looking forward to a happy new year for one and all.


Yedid Nefesh said...

Im sorry about your loss and i hope this year do bring only good news...

frum single female said...

thank you.

Anonymous said...

:) Have a happy and sweet new year!
And buy some new fall clothes for sukkos- the feeling will last longer. (At least it does for me.)

frum single female said...

thanks, you too.