Tuesday, November 6, 2012

In with the new, out with the old

     In with the new, out with the old voting booths . Brooklyn is now officially out of the dark ages. The old fashioned voting booths are not being used anymore. We now have the paper ballots which now get scanned by a computer.  I think its about time. It was nostalgic to use the vintage booths, but quite outdated. No more chads and no more curtains. It looks like their may be more opportunity for voter fraud this way, but I will leave it to someone else to figure out....
      I seem to remember receiving an instructional postcard about the new voting protocol. Too bad I didn't read it. I found an instructional video on the new voting method on you tube. I'm posting it. I wish I had seen it before I voted.. I am relieved to see that I really did vote properly even though I had to wing it.


Mr. Cohen said...

The old fashioned voting booths guaranteed privacy; the new voting technology does not.

Wondering Minds said...

I miss the old fashioned way of flipping switches and pulling the lever when done...