Thursday, November 29, 2012

Power Trips

     Often people who are in positions of power abuse their power .They think they can treat their subordinates as shoddily as possible just because they are their superior. This of course makes for lots of trouble when one has a job where people need to work together as a team when someone at the top tries to pit people against each other.
      If one is smart one treats one's subordinates with respect. People work better in a positive environment.
     I always wonder if some managers were always as disrespectful toward others or if they became that way because they were put in a position of power. Perhaps its a combination of the two. It does not have to be so negative. I have supervised others and its been positive. It is possible to be firm with others without being hostile and it is much easier to get people to work together in an environment of respect.
    This is just my two cents.


Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

Small person plus small amount of power = big problem.
Just look at those swaggering security guards at the airport. Little people, little education but they have you in their power for 5 minutes and they make up for all their insecurities by lording it over you.
As for bosses, it's the Peter Principle.

Mr. Cohen said...

When I was a supervisor, I was nice to my subordinates because I remembered what it was like to have a nasty supervisor.