Tuesday, January 15, 2008

peyton place

i read the book peyton place when i was fourteen. at the time i thought it was a really great read until i realized that's what the frum community is. peyton place. i went out with this guy a few years ago and i remember telling a friend about it years ago not thinking she would ever meet him seeing as my friend isnt frum and i am. fast forward to the present and now she actually did meet this chap , ill call him shmuel, and now she wants to know even more sordid details seeing as she would like to date him. thank goodness i never told her EVERYTHING about shmuel to begin with because i know that my friend, lets call her rachel seems to remember everything i actually did tell her. i never told rachel why we broke up or why i wouldnt ever date shmuel again, because i never wanted to and now i even less would want to tell her the details. i've told rachel too much already. boy, it just goes to show that you never can be too careful about who one confides in !

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