Sunday, January 27, 2008

the scent of desire

im reading this really great book by rachel herz called the scent of desire . being an individual who is quite sensitive to smell this is right up my alley. ive aways noticed that sometimes when i find someone irritating i realize that it is their scent that irritates me, not their lack of sense of personal space. one of the concepts of this book is that sense of smell is very close to memory. also, if one has no sense of smell one can't enjoy food . it can cause depression and in extreme cases suicide. case in point: diet cookies arent as tasty as real cookies. diet cookies lack sugar. sugar makes cookies smell divine. women in particular are more sensitive to smell and unknowingly use their sense of smell to find a mate much more so than men who are more visual. unwittingly women find men whose genetic makeup to be different than theirs to actually smell best. interestingly , this is a problem because women on the pill are more attracted to men whose scents have a more similar genetic makeup to their own and when they go off of the pill are no longer attracted to their husbands' scent!!! i cant say for sure that any of this is true for a fact, however i am very drawn to men who have a scent that i really dig, and the scent is their personal scent , not cologne. if a guy doesnt smell good to me its definitely a deal breaker.

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