Friday, July 11, 2008

union square green market

one of my favorite pastimes is shopping at the farmer's market in union square.the produce during the summer and fall months are superb. so fresh.... so delicious.
i bought peaches there just yesterday. the fuzz on the peaches still feel fuzzy. and they tasted so sweet. the kirby cucumbers still feel prickly.
i bought kohlrabi there as well. kohlrabi is a vegetable that looks like a light green turnip that is in the broccoli family. it can be eaten steamed or raw. one of the farmers recommended grating the kohlrabi and putting it in cole slaw or grating it and adding grated apple and lemon juice . i tried the second option with the grated apple and lemon juice and added a little splenda. i also grated an onion and added it to the mix. it was quite tasty.
part of the fun of going to the farmer's market is being able to ask the farmers how to prepare unusual veggies and to learn how to pick out the best vegetables.
there is something about buying something that a farmer said he picked "just this morning" or "yesterday".
one interesting vendor at the union square green market is shushan farms which grows hydrophobic tomatos. they tast amazing and make me think of purim at the same time!!!
i would say that i feel like im communing with nature when i go to the farmer's market, but it would sound ridiculous. its in the middle of the concrete jungle of union square.
it is neat to meet the farmers who grow the produce. they are all so nice. i like supporting local farms. and the prices arent half bad either. if you go around 5pm they have specials.
i like the fact that the green market produce is so fresh. i also love the recipes they provide.
i bought garlic at the green market. it cooked so easily . it was sooo fresh. id never seen garlic so fresh.
forget the ecology propaganda. go to the green market for the experience. you wont regret it.

1 comment:

Single And Jewish said...

got to ask... does that mean you are a good cook? or maybe i just want to believe that for the virtual profile image i have in my mind... LOL

going to makets is always great , in Spain the only way to buy fresh and cheap products is thru the markets. supermarket is basically easier as they have everything at the same place.

i always hated going to markets... i am a guy and i absolutly hate shopping in general!!!! but i learned to like markets for fruit and vegetable for the freshness the sales people who have been there all their life and the atmosphere! (still hate shopping for cloth etc... maybe not electronics... lol)

buying eco of course is always more expensive, but in reality it would cost the same if people bought what they needed only as acording to some statistic people throw away 1 bag of each 3 they buy, especially when going to supers as they buy a lot more!!!

the all eco subject might be an interesting article now that the all world is busy with going green how is it for the jewish community?
personally i am doing my bit... i recycle, drive a motorbike (only use a car when necessary... ok maybe i do it because bikes are more fun!) try to buy energy saving electro domestics and will pay more for eco food to an extend!