Friday, February 20, 2009

in town, out of town , all around town

there has been alot of talk all over the blogosphere (material maidel and frum punk) about new yorkers calling anyone who lives out of new york out of towners. of course, im originally from outside of new york and i take great pride in being called an out of towner. in fact , these days native new yorkers get quite perplexed when i still say im an out of towner after living in new york all these years. there are a alot of good things about new york, but i cant say that its in my blood like those who were born here.
the interesting thing is that through blogging and the internet specifically, i think that the boundaries of community have expanded and the world has gotten smaller. someone in israel can leave a comment on a blog as quickly as someone in california or brooklyn can. its quite nice.
the only thing that defies this theory is when people write about their hometowns and local events. if you live somewhere else you might feel left out. then again , it makes you closer geographically to a far place. you may not live there , but you can know instantaneously whats going on there as it is happening.
the blogosphere becomes its own community as well. when bloggers live geographically closer to each other they are more likely to actually meet, but the very fact that someone is blogging at all they are more likely to meet no matter how geographically diverse. when i read a comment from someone living in california it seems as though the person lives as close by as a new york commenter. on a blog the distance is reduced.

1 comment:

Ookamikun said...

Unless the tubes are clogged and the comment arrives late. ;-)