Monday, February 23, 2009

to drink or not to drink ?

on purim many are machmir to drink so they dont know the difference between arrur haman and baruch mordechai and sometimes this can be taken to the extreme. my fondest purim memory is leaving the basement apartment i was living in at the time and opening the door to outside of the house and seeing a teen aged boy open his car door to puke. gross! but you know, often gross things stay in your memory as much as if not more than good things. fortunately i have no recollection of this young man's face . so now, years later, when i may run in to him i dont recognize him. lucky for him. there was however a woman who threw up on the q train several years ago and her face i do remember. i still see her on the train in the morning and i make sure to sit far away from her.
so folks go ahead and enjoy yourselves, but do realize if you misbehave when you are drunk someone you dont know may have a very sharp memory of it. you may not remember that moment , but your actions may be embedded in this stranger's memory. if you are the type who considers negative publicity better than no publicity at all then knock yourself out.....literally.


Originally From Brooklyn said...

I'll do my best ;)

Ookamikun said...

ah, the ultimate question, to drink or to drink more...

Mikeinmidwood said...

Ill pretend to drink and just vomit; its the best way without the side affects.

katrina said...

It's not "machmir" to drink "ad d'lo yada"--it's stupid. Many rabbis have said that people should not get drunk, and especially not teenagers. It's not a laughing matter. See ProfK on this.

Ookamikun said...

Yeah, yeah. You should take a nap on Purim, drink grape juice on Pesach and eat head of lettuce on Rosh Hashana.
The rabbis who say this are the same as reform who say you can drive to shul on shabbat. And the people who do this, pathetic.