Wednesday, November 24, 2010

something about thanksgiving

i never quite get why some people are too frum to celebrate thanksgiving. i can understand not feeling in the mood to actually do anything but im not quite sure why its a religious issue. its not a religious holiday, its just about being thankful that the united states is a free country and that we are free to practice our religion. these days we are even more free to observe our religion than years ago, so i would think we would be more thankful and celebrate thanksgiving. years ago more jews celebrated thanksgiving when we it was harder to observe our religion in the united states.
but ok, so you don't celebrate thanksgiving, why take on a tradition of having  a turkey thanksgiving like meal on black friday? is it just  to be unconventional? the only reason one is having turkey the day after thanksgiving is because its the day after thanksgiving. so why not just have it on thursday? one is allowed to eat turkey on a thursday. its the christians who don't have meat on fridays. when i went to weight watchers several years ago it was the first time that i had heard about the mishagos about how if you are really frum you celebrate with a turkey dinner the friday after thanksgiving. hmmm... maybe they celebrate thanksgiving on shabbos  its so it really is on a chag!!??
well, i plan on celebrating thanksgiving on a thurdsay this year. have a happy thanksgiving everyone!


Anonymous said...

I have two ideas 1) turkeys go one sale by thanksgiving so people want to eat turkey around that time 2) people want to have a day of thanksgiving but don't want to do it the same day as nonjews

frumskeptic said...

Jews have to be difficult. The frummer they are, the more difficult they have to be.

There are always rumors around about how the Pilgrims were antisemitic or other nonsense like that... truth is, does it matter if they were or weren't. Like you said the point is to be thankful for religious freedom.

Frummies don't get it.

My family isn't traditional when it comes to Thanksgiving, but we have our own traditions and we appreciate what the day represents!

הצעיר שלמה בן רפאל לבית שריקי ס"ט said...

There are intricate religious issues involved. "Seems right to me" isn't the only means of formulating halacha. The reality is that all the days of thanksgiving instituted by the Puritan New Englanders were in fact of a religious nature (they saw themselves as early Jews in that way, instituting days of praise). But the one they were thanking isn't necessarily the one we're praising. According to most halachic authorities Christianity is a form of Paganism. So, although Lincoln later established the main day as a "national holiday", it doesn't mean that he meant to divest it of its religious nature and turn it into a product of commercialism and secularism.

Also, it is sort of ironic that Jews in their respective countries of sojourning celebrate the local (national) holidays, since, almost inevitably, that country will one day become great enemies of the Jews. It's true, in 1893 Germany was a great place for Judaism, and we had to thank them for that. But ultimately it was overshadowed, as it often is, by a frustration over the Jews and acts taken against them. It's absurd to think that America is any different and that Jews will live here for a thousand years in peace and prosperity.

On the other hand, I know Jews who, till today, celebrate "Nowruz", the Iranian new year, even in America, decades after they left Iran. They know Iranians are their enemies, but they fell in love with Persian culture and poetry and art etc.

Then of course there's the secular argument that this particular "day of thanksgiving" was made partially because of some "military successes" they experienced. In other words they were able to, in short, kill many Indians. So again, who can say they approve of such a thing?

Truthfully though, I personally not only have thanksgiving, but I personally prepared pumpkin pies, fresh cranberry sauce and two types of sweet potato. Still, I think it's important not to do anything without first giving it some thought...