Sunday, April 22, 2012

maybe she's born with it, maybe its photoshop!!!

in light of all the recent plastic surgery talk i just had to post this video. i know a lot of people who have done plastic surgery and they don't always look better. i am not talking about someone with medical need for plastic surgery or plastic surgery to fix a burn victim. i am speaking about women who are aging and constantly going under the knife. once a person goes the plastic surgery route it is hard to stop. the best way for everyone to look better to one another is for everyone to just stop wearing glasses. without wearing one's glasses it is amazing who will start looking attractive!


Anonymous said...

Just like all things, plastic surgery can become an addiction for some. They don't know when to stop, thinking that the next procedure they will get will make them one step closer to perfection.

This is just fine with me. As long as they can live and are happy with their decisions. However, one thing I don't like these people are doing are influencing the children. Like in this case in, it's just wrong in so many moral and ethical planes. It's like teaching kids that they need this to look good and be beautiful. It's just, ugh, bad parenting in my opinion.

frum single female said...

very true