Thursday, January 15, 2009

matters of identity

when i first started blogging i didnt tell anyone because i just wanted to see who would happen upon my site. i was also kind of shy about people i actually know reading my posts. eventually i got over it and told some of my friends that i have a blog. usually my friends would read a few posts and then that would be it. so much for feeling nervous about friends reading my blog!

a few of my friends do read regularly as well as one of my brothers. i think it keeps me honest. if you write so anonymously you can forget that real people are reading your thoughts. if i ask myself if i would mind if one of my friends specifically read my posts it makes it more real, instead of just me typing on my computer.


Originally From Brooklyn said...

Ah yes, but aren't there somethings you would like to write but refrain from doing so because you know people who know you will read it? I know I am influenced by that many times. I could probably be 10x more outrageous if I had kept my anonymity completely intact.

frum single female said...

yes, child ish behavior, that is true.

Jewish Side of Babysitter said...

Good point.

With my babysitter blog, I was always afraid that the mothers of the kids I babysit would happen upon it, so it helped me not write anything bad about the mothers. But then I realized some stuff I felt the "need" to write about it, so I just hoped that they wouldn't find it, or would realize that I didn't mean anything bad by it.

nameless, faceless said...

Yeah, I'm going to be honest. I don't recommend it. It's so much harder to blog when someone knows who you are; people are conditioned to preserve a public persona, an idea existing in precise antithesis to the spirit of a blog. It's just frustrating to explore the reconciliation of desiring cathartic honesty and preservation of a happy coexistence with those that are now privy to your usually unattractive, heretofore unvoiced inner fears and secret thoughts.

Sounds great, right? Anyone feel like blogging now?

Ookamikun said...

It's great to be a jerk. I say and write whatever I think and couldn't care less if someone has a problem with it.

frum single female said...

moshe- i respect your opinion. the point is only to say what you dont mind anyone knowing what you may have said. and obviously since you have your photo up you stand by your words. i am not so bold, but i do know that even as anonymous someone tries to be sometimes people can figure out who you are anyway. i know ive figured out other bloggers true identities without them telling me. and i wasnt even trying too hard. this is why i make sure that i dont write anything i wouldnt mind anyone knowing i actually said. because, sometimes, unbeknownst to you , someone can figure out your true identity.

frumskeptic said...

moshe- lol. :-)

who cares what people think. The best thing ever, is just being outright honest, and then it doesn't matter.

If you're true to yourself, and what you believe in, it shouldn't matter who knows who you are or not.

Just saying.