Friday, June 12, 2009

anti-semitsm rears its ugly head....

i never watch the tv news. ok , maybe not never, just not very often. whenever i do watch the news something earth shattering happens. (what are the odds?) .
wednesday i was at home watching the news and was confronted with the anti-semitic rampage of an 88 year old white supremacist at the holocaust museum in washington.
for all those who think it folly to hunt down nazis even now 60 yrs after world war 2, just listen to the headlines. an 88-year-old anti-semite devotes his time to committing hate crimes and opens fire at the holocaust museum in washington killing a security guard and traumatizing all who are present by such crime. he certainly was no puttering old man.
not only can a leopard not change his spots, neither can an old nazi. he may even strike again as we have so unfortunately witnessed so recently.
my heart goes out to the security guard who was murdered and to those who were present for such tragedy.
have a good shabbos folks.


Altie said...

Thats crazy. Now imagine if we had hunted them all down and killed them long ago, trhis could have been prevented.

Ookamikun said...

And he has a site and wrote a book I believe.