Sunday, July 17, 2011

in memory of leiby kletzky

this past week started out on the wrong foot. on monday kehillath jeshuran a one  hundred year old manhattan shul burned down. i thought that would be it, but i was wrong. on that same day a little boro park boy was missing  . by tuesday there were frantic signs on every corner beseeching everyone for clues  to the whereabouts of the missing boy. wednesday  morning i woke up to the news of the brutal murder of this not quite nine year old boy . my heart along with the hearts of all who were listening sunk. how could this have happened ? how could such a brutal murder have been carried out by a "religious " jew?
the outpouring of sorrow from people of all walks of life was monumental.. one of my gentile  co-workers broke out in tears when she heard the  news of leiby's  murder.
8,000  mourners lined the streets of boro park , brooklyn to pay their respects to this little boy's family.  i would have joined , but i worked too late that night.
i keep watching the news in disbelief. boro park is a relatively safe neighborhood.
when the murderer's neighbors and co-workers  were asked if they thought he would have been capable of murder they all said no. i believe them. who would ever believe that anyone you knew could be capable of such brutality ?
though leiby ketzky's demise was grisly, his demise revealed the largest outpouring of compassion from around the world and from every ethnicity. too  bad leiby's death was what was able to achieve this and not his life. why did a little child have to die for people to suddenly wake up and show compassion for another human being?
tragedy always seems to bring people together. though this is good, it would be nice for people to bond without having to have a tragedy occur. it would be nice if the ahavas yiroel would continue perhaps in tribute to leiby kletzky's life.
in conclusion , i would like to send my love to leiby klezky 's family. i know that i don't know them , but i know what it is like to lose a loved one and to lose a child in this way must be just inconsolable. i wish them the strength to survive this. their  son has touched the hearts and souls of so many. may he rest in peace.

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