Monday, July 18, 2011

lessons to learn

i would always cringe when the response to many a tragedy is that people need to dress more modestly. i always found this quite amusing. what ever happened to the importance of behaving more modestly ? now  more than ever i find this to be true.. leiby kletzky's murderer dressed like a frum jew, but he most certainly did not behave like one. it is so important for all of us who appear to be frum to make sure we are really behaving in the way someone who looks like a  frum person should.
i think that the focus on people dressing modestly is so a person will be embarrassed to act inappropriately because one looks so frum. from one standpoint i understand this . if you do a mitzvah you will internalize it eventually.  dress is just superficial , an action (mitzvah) is more powerful than a costume. we must aspire to doing many mitzvot and behaving jewish and have good midos . this way those of  us who are frum will really be frum and not just appear to be frum.

1 comment:

corti said...

Hey just found your blog... seems like you live around/frequent Flatbush. I find it very interesting that you made this point about the lesson of Levi Aron's frum dress on the night before the Shiva Assar B'Tamuz program at Merkaz Hasimcha. R' Jonathan Rietti spoke and addressed this matter, but you drew the lesson on your own ;)