Tuesday, July 5, 2011


the absolute worst time to phone me is nine p.m. on a sunday night. i never get why this is a favorite time of the day for phone calls .for those with who only have cellphones sundays are free anyway and for everyone else i ask just one question. you had the whole weekend to phone me, why on earth do you wait until nine p.m. on sunday night when im trying to wind down to call me?
no matter how many times i tell people this they still persist. it doesn't matter that i don't pick up the phone, they do it anyway on the off chance that i will pick up. the worst part about returning this type of person's call is that when you return their call at an earlier hour they will want to call you back later. i say don't bother if its after nine p.m. its not that i actually get to sleep so early, but i wouldn't mind having the chance to . anyway, its beside the point. i just don't want to talk to anyone on the phone after nine p. m.  if you can't call me before nine p.m. that's ok. i won't be insulted. we will talk when we talk. i'd rather have a little solitude than a phone conversation after nine p.m.

1 comment:

Aritul said...

I try not to make calls after 9 pm. I'm glad to see that there is someone out there who appreciates that.