Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Worst

     So many people I talk to always seem to be in contest with me to prove that they have things the toughest. I am not sure why . Does it really make them feel better that they think that they have it the worst? Why would anyone actually prefer things to be the worst for themselves? I for one do not . I also think that even if one does not have things the worst one still has a right to vent and be validated by ones friends without being told not to complain because  I  do not have it the worst.

1 comment:

SJ said...

I don't see a revolt yet over the high expenses of being a religious jew. x.x

you deserve it if i don't hear in the news stuff about a "jewish spring" by next week.

are there no likeminded people in your circle that you can raise a ruckus with?