Sunday, September 2, 2012

What Would You Choose?

     For those of you who grew up religious do you think you would choose to be frum on your own? It really is a hard question. I grew up religious and have siblings who are OTD so I would say that I have thought about staying frum but I never had the opportunity to decide to be suddenly be  frum while my family was not.
     I do think that there are different types of BT . There are those whose families were somewhat traditional and then they have decided to make the plunge toward greater observance. There are others who come from a family who did very little religiously and now they are frum.
      I think that there is a difference between BTs who go the charedi route and BTs that go the MO route. I think that BTs don't always blend in as well to the yeshiva world and that their sincerity is held with greater suspispicion than those who become frum in  the MO world. This is not because a BT has changed less in the MO world, it is just that from my experience anyone a little different is more accepted in the MO world. When you are keeping shabbos and kosher that in itself is a huge lifestyle change regardless of how much or little ones outer appearance has changed.
       I would like to think that I would have chosen to be frum had my family not been frum, but its hard to really know what I would have done because I never was in that situation.

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