Wednesday, January 2, 2013


     I am always busy at work but I hate being told what to do. When I first started at my job my supervisor would always tell me do this, do that in her annoying way. I quickly realized if I just did everything I needed to do I would not have to hear her nagging. Some people would rather sit around and wait for you to tell them what to do and they don't mind being hounded. I suppose that they still do less work because sometimes it becomes tired to have to tell someone what to do all the time. I hate being told what to do all of the time. I guess some don't mind if it means they can be lazier.

1 comment:

Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

Laziness is about seeing what you can get away with.
Think about it: you don't do your job, there are two possibilities. Either your boss comes by and reminds you or he doesn't.
If he does, then you do your job which you had to do anyway.
If he doeesn't, then you had lots of free time.
So there's no upside for being energetic from that point of view.