Thursday, January 3, 2013

This is 40

     I recently saw the movie This is 40. It was yet another movie with a Jewish husband and his shiksa wife. Paul Rudd was the husband and Leslie Mann was the wife. It was a Judd Apatow film and Leslie Mann is his wife in real life. Judd is Jewish, Leslie man is not. My thought is that religion was a non-issue to Apatow when he married Mann, and it wasn't because he was trying not to marry a Jewish woman. That said , Jewish women are often berated for being whiny and annoying. Well, Leslie Mann is both. Often what a Jewish man says he dislikes in a Jewish woman he finds in a gentile woman. I guess he would prefer a gentile woman to wine than a Jewish one. At least with  the show Will and Grace , another gentile male / Jewish woman pairing you knew that they would never marry. Will was going to stay gay.
     The plot of the movie was okay - couple turns 40 and feel old, but the Jewish husband /gentile wife cliche is tired or at least I am tired of it. 


Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

You have to look at it from the secular angle. In the secular world being Jewish isn't about religion or nationality, it's about an ethnic identity. So a Jewish/Gentile marriage is seen the same way a Greek/WASP one would be - a chance to engage in some cultural clashes and nothing deeper.

frum single female said...

Sadly I think you are right.

Mr. Cohen said...

I hope to live to see the day when intermarriage between Jews and non-Jews no longer exists, except as an unpleasant memory.

Anonymous said...

Well, in real life, Paul Rudd is actually married to a Jewish woman (even though her surname doesn't necessarily sound Jewish). So is Albert Brooks, who plays Rudd's father.

Anonymous said...

P.S., in Will & Grace, Grace did marry a Jewish character (played by a Harry Connick, Jr., whose own mother was Jewish, although Harry is Catholic).

frum single female said...

Another reason to love Paul Rudd. Sigh. Yes I was very happy that when Grace married someone Jewish on Will and Grace.