I have heard people say that Facebook has blown out a lot of the steam from blogs. Perhaps. But I still like blogs better. Or actually, I think that each has its own purpose. Though I post some of the same things on Facebook as I do on my blog, I don't write anything meaningful on Facebook. I save that for my blog. Most people are just looking to keep up with friends on a topical level on Facebook. If I want to connect to the world at large I post on my blog. One can connect to more than just ones own social circles on the blogosphere.
Except if you write your feelings on a blog, and none of your friends know its you, then is it really the same type of connection?
The crazy thing is that almost not many of my friends read my blog . I like posting on my blog and seeing if there is anyone besides me that can relate. It does not have to be someone I actually know . Just knowing others in the world can relate to what I post makes me feel less alone.
Its not that I haven't told friends about my blog, its just that not many of them read it. I suppose I could link my blog to my facebook page, but many of my friends would not read it either. I would prefer an audience who actually wants to read what I have to say.
Facebook is the ultimate evolution of the "gimme gimme" society. It's about 1 or 2 sentence blurbs which are little more than sanitary mental farts. Now, some blogs can be that way too but many more are places where people post more complex thoughts or lines of inquiry. Facebook simply doesn't have that potential.
MGH- I agree
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