Monday, January 20, 2014


     A friend of mine posted this on Facebook. Its interesting. There is some kind of study that proves that Ashkenazi Jews have higher IQ's than other people. Part of this is due to nurturing. We are a people who are brought up to value knowledge and study. This study claims that Ashkenazi Jews inherently have higher IQ's.
     One question stands out in my mind. Is this good for the Jews or bad for the Jews? 


Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

Of course we are. Think about it.
For centuries in Europe there were two approaches to smart boys.
Among the Jews a smart boy was immediately found a shiduch, encouraged to produce lots of kids and sent to yeshivah.
Among the Catholics he was made a celibate priest.
So we selected our smart genes in and they selected them out.

Anonymous said...

…another insult against Sephardic Jews…
… no reason to be surprised about that…

frum single female said...

The thing is I think that its all how you view this video. I did not look at it as anything about Sephardic Jews at all, I just looked at it as being about Jews in general. Then again, some of the people in the film weren't so fond of Jews in general and were pretty vocal about it. I think that all Jews are more intelligent than the general population, but perhaps that is my ethnocentrism.