Wednesday, July 15, 2009

evil lurks

today i found out one of my co-workers has been back -stabbing my employer. i cant go in to details, but its really pissing me off. id love to expose the situation , but im afraid what the fallout may be. im glad im aware of the situation , but it sickens me that such folly is happening and that the back stabber is getting away with it. my only comfort is that the back-stabber might get sloppy and get caught.
the thing is , what the back stabber is doing clearly affects one of my co-worker's livelihoods. i dont know how she can live with herself. even worse... there are for sure some partners in this crime otherwise she would not have gotten so far with this scheme. where's a superhero when the day needs saving?


smoo said...

Wouldn't u want someone (even anonymously) to tell u if it was happening 2 u?

frum single female said...

absolutely, but i dont know how to tell anonymously. if this person found out i was the one who exposed her she would do something just as bad to me even if she was fired. she has no scruples.

CJ Srullowitz said...

u ought to, lulei demistafina, blow the whistle.

frum single female said...

believe me, id love to blow the whistle . from day one i could not stand this co-worker . the only thing is where i work they may not fire someone even if they do something evil. although, i do know that if management knew this they would be none too happy. i have to figure out a way to blow the whistle without anyone knowing it was me who blew their cover. truthfully, the back stabber has no clue that i know this bit of information which works to my benefit if i want to work toward exposing her anonymously.

Jewish Side of Babysitter said...

That is annoying, knowing someone is doing evil and you can't stop it. Hope it all works out.

Anonymous said...

When you figure out what you wish to say, then you could use email to share your thoughts without disclosing your identity.

I looked into remailers originally to prevent spam and find it's also a nice way to communicate anonymously. (Anonymous blog comments are aided by OpenID.)

The remailer I use most often is Sneakemail which lets you send email either from their web site or from anywhere (sent through their site).

%Shocked% said...

Oh boy, that's not an easy situation to be in. I was in a similar situation at my place of work where people were stealing supplies from the owner. Things worth more than pennies. I didn't have the guts to say anything :( but regret that I didn't. Who wants to be the one responsible for getting someone fired for stealing a bit of money from a very well-to-do business? I tried coming up with an anonymous way of informing my boss but couldn't come up with one. The fallout for me would've been tremendous as my co-workers could have made my life miserable had they chosen to.

For some reason, the fact that she's stealing from a co-worker bothers me more than would it have been from the owner himself. There really isn't any difference, but it just hits me as being even more wrong. I'd definitely try and find a way to inform my boss anonymously.

The only thing you have to be careful of, if she's Jewish, is hilchos loshon hara.

Good luck with whatever you decide doing!

smoo said...

What on earth does lashon hara have to do with justice? Can witnesses not give testimony because of lashon hara? Here there is criminal activity and informing the boss of the situation is the just thing to do.

%Shocked% said...

If you'd learn the halachos of loshon hara you'd know the issue. There are 7 conditions that must be fulfilled before you can 'blow the whistle.' FF said herself, and I quote, "from day one i could not stand this co-worker." That's one condition that disqualifies her from saying anything. In hilchos chafetz chaim that's split into days, it was mentioned in this month, just last week or the week before. It really isn't as simple as , she did something wrong, justice must be served. Justice must be served, but there's a halachic way of going about it doing it.

smoo said...

Not liking someone does not negate the fact that a wrong is being done and you are advocating that this person hide behind nitpicky 'laws' that would in essence allow criminal activity to continue. (I do understand fear of retribution aspect, though).

In the story of Kamza/bar Kamza, the rabbis chose to remain silent for an injustice (kamza emabarassed and removed from party). Later Rabbi Zechariah Ben Avkilus nitpicking over the laws of a blemish caused the destruction of the temple. R. Yochanan in the gemara has devastating criticism of Avkulos and the rabbis (at party). Their inaction and failure to calculate the impact of their action/inaction had horrible consequences.

%Shocked% said...

Right, let's analyze this paragraph bit by bit.

> Not liking someone does not negate the fact that a wrong is being done

Agreed. A wrong is being done, I never said otherwise. I said that justice must be served but there's a way to go about doing it.

> and you are advocating that this person hide behind nitpicky 'laws'
that would in essence allow criminal activity to continue.

No no, I'm not advocating that FF shouldn't do something about it. She should learn the halachos and speak to a rabbi about how she should inform her boss.

> nitpicky 'laws'

Well, you clearly have your issues with halacha....

> (I do understand fear of retribution aspect, though).

So personal loss is more important than halahcha? I agree it's not easy- I didn't have the guts to tell my boss that he was being stolen from. I made excuses. But if you are going to tell your boss to stop the co-worker from doing whatever she's doing, there ae halachos that must be followed. The halacha is that it's better to lose your job than say loshon hara. That's not an easy halacha to follow, but that is the 'law.'

Not standing up for someone's embarrassment is a little bit different than potentially causing someone to lose their job. The punishment meted out to the co-worker must fit the crime. If she stole 100,000 dollars, she must repay it, not lose her job.

There's a time and place to 'nitpick' over halachos. I'm not one to figure out when that is, now are you. Hence, one must speak to a rabbi.

%Shocked% said...

nor are you* :P