Friday, July 24, 2009

love your neighbor.... or at least be civil!

tisha b'av is around the corner and it seems no one has learned anything since last year. there is still sinas chinam especially amongst g-ds chosen people. we are still too busy labelling levels of frumkeit to actually try and get along. we just keep missing the point. h-shem wants us to get along with one another not nit -pick chumrahs. until some semblance of civility evolves all we will be saying next av will be " same time next year" but hopefully not.


Jewish Side of Babysitter said...

I agree with you. We should all just try to get along already!

Ookamikun said...

What?! Get along with that group?! But their payos are 1/4 inch shorter!

smb said...

It is very hard, but if we each work on it, it can be done. We just need to communicate calmly and try to see the good in each other.