Sunday, July 26, 2009

open to interpretation

its so interesting how people assume. i was speaking to someone the other day and i told them i was cooking for shabbos. they later asked me who i was having over for shabbos lunch. this really floored me because this person was assuming that the only reason someone single could be cooking for shabbos would be because they were having guests. quite an assumption. this assumption of course would never even be in my radar. the the person who asked this question was male. this of explains alot. he would never cook for shabbos unless he was having guests and assumed everyone is like this. it is never appropriate to assume.
the worst however is when people assume and dont tell you what their assumption is so you cant set them straight. this happens all of the time. the worst is when someone assumes something, doesnt tell you their assumption and then is mad at you for something you never did in the first place. this is why its best to confront someone in a non-accusatory fashion and try to access the situation before making false assumptions and accusations.


Jewish Side of Babysitter said...

I know what you mean about people making assumptions. That's why communication is important!

It's funny because I look through these "torah times" and "vies" and I see ads called "Bachelor special" that because these wives are in the country the husbands get to buy food cheaper. Makes it seem like the wives are the only ones who know how to cook, and that men aren't capable of making themselves a meal so they have to order out every day of the summer!

frum single female said...

dont get me started with the "summer bachelor " special. i dont even like the termonology. they are still MARRIED even if their wives are upstate for the summer.

Ookamikun said...

Maybe he was hinting if he can come over? ;-)

frum single female said...

no , that's not it!

Eliyahu said...

Rav Kook, right?