Monday, March 26, 2012

anti plastic surgery

i have a few friends who have had nose jobs. one friend in particular had a really "bad" nose . i understand why they did it , but the truth is i think people are best off not doing plastic surgery unless its medically necessary . plastic surgery is still surgery. several years ago there was an author named olivia goldsmith who did plastic surgery and died from it. i am sure she went to a great surgeon, but surgery always has its risks. i also remember a story of a bar mitzvah boy who had a nose job for his bar mitzvah present and also died from the surgery.
i know a lot of people who have had face lifts to correct wrinkles. with the results that i have seen these people would have better spent their money on a nice vacation. they did not look that great. the wrinkles would have looked better than looking like one is permanently startled.
often people don't just one surgery. once you start with surgery you start finding more things wrong with yourself.
unless you are an actor or someone in the public eye  i think that its best to just make do with what hashem gave you . even the best plastic surgeons cannot make one look like one is twenty. plastic surgery cannot erase the look of "wisdom" in ones eyes as it shouldn't.


whatsup? said...

I don't agree. I think if a woman is having trouble getting married and it's causing her pain, she should have the option of surgery. Especially in certain areas where looks are so important, like NY and LA. An ugly woman can very well end up single forever, even if she's the nicest person inside. The deck is being stacked against her because of the competitive external society we live in. I think she has the right to use any card she can.
Whether it works is a different question, but I dont see anything morally wrong.

frum single female said...

Unfortunate you are missing the point. A man should love a woman based on her midis not just on her looks. Looks go and what you are then left with is who one is