Sunday, March 18, 2012


yeah, i know the weight watchers diet well . i also know the low carb/south beach diet because i have friends who have done them. i am sick of diets. they don't help me with the one thing that will help me lose weight. eating to be thin never makes me feel satisfied. i may not be hungry but i definitely won't be satisfied. satisfaction must be found in a non- food way. eating too much is not the answer . i need to find another way to fill the void.


Princess Lea said...

I don't diet. Diets eventually end, and then what?

It really comes down to quantity. Portion sizes are a big thing. Eating good foods, and balanced meals, and refraining from snacking does A LOT.

And never deprive yourself of what you really want. Just really savor it and eat less of it.

frum single female said...

well, i know all of the secrets to weight loss. its a way of life if you want to keep the weight off. its the motivation and filling the void that food fills in a non food way that is the challenge.

N said...

Working out is awesome. Because a) it makes you feel great, b) gives you a lot of energy, c) prevents you from gaining weight (if overeating is your issue).

Like anything else in life, you have to ask yourself, what is at the CORE of what is bothering you? Meaning what "void" are you trying to feel? Is it emotional eating, eating as a way to feel better about something? Figure out what it is and then work that void, fill it with what it truly will be filled with!

And the key, to anything, but specifically "diets" and ways of life is to just try it. Don't think of in a month or in a year. Just live each day. And if you mess up, we all do, just pick yourself up and try again ;)