Sunday, March 11, 2012


often when people find themselves they find it hard to understand why everyone does not believe as they do and they become intolerant of those who still adhere to beliefs they no longer adhere to. when people go off the derech they become so comfortable with who they are that some (not all) become intolerant of those who still believe. this of course is the other side of the coin of when someone who becomes baal t'shuvah who does not understand why anyone can remain secular once they have seen the light of the torah..
just because you may be otd does not suddenly mean others won't believe in being frum. deal with it. just because you may have frummed out does not mean that all of your relatives will abandon their secular lives after spending quality time with frum people. just because you may have made these decisions does not mean others   will no matter how much you would like them to.

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