Sunday, March 4, 2012

shabbos menucha?

by friday i am always exhausted from a busy week at work. i am always looking forward to a restful , sleep filled shabbos. when i did not work on fridays i found shabbos to be must more enjoyable because i was able to rest up on friday before all  the festivities .
every friday  i make the mad dash home before shabbos so i can prepare for shabbos. this is especially difficult because all i ever want to do when i get home from work is sleep for a few hours, but on friday i must shower , prepare / heat up food and make sure everything is ready for the impending shabbos. now that shabbos  starts a little later its a little easier, but i am still stressed.
sometimes i am invited out for friday night dinner which is nice but delays my shabbos rest. other times i eat dinner at home and go to an oneg at someone's home. this is a little more restful because i always manage to sleep a bit before joining the festivities.
i try to get 7-8 hours of sleep friday night before waking up on shabbos morning. if i am home for friday night dinner it is easier to wake up early on shabbos morning and read a little bit before going to shul . if i have lunch plans it is nice but with these short shabboses i am assured little or no shabbat nap or i am graced with a nap that starts on shabbos and ends motzei shabbos. i find it slightly unsettling to wake up motzei shabbos.
sometimes when i eat shabbos lunch at home there are afternoon get togethers which last until havdalah.
the shabbat socializing is amazing for the soul. to be alone on shabbos is the worst. after a grueling week of work a social shabbos really helps me decompress. it really isn't shabbos menucha. it is  just a rest from the work week  schedule.

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