Wednesday, March 21, 2012


lately i have noticed that when i hear of couples marrying i have been genuinely happy for them. its not that i was not happy for others mazal before, but my joy from them was not complete. i was happy for them but still a little sad for myself. this scares me a bit because i have always thought that if you feel a little envy for others it can be motivating. it means one has not given up . it means one has not fully accepted one's single state. or does it? is it possible to be genuinely happy for others without meaning one has given up? i don't think that i have given up. but i have felt genuine joy for others who have found love. i am not fool enough to think that if one can be happy for others who get married that it will make me suddenly find love. there is no secret magic formula. that much i do know.


Princess Lea said...

I would consider that to be a step forward, not a step backward.

I know plenty of people who take others' marriages personally, which I don't understand. No one can get married until you do? Did you even want the chassan? Then why are are you angry?

You have achieved a higher level!

aminspiration said...

I dont think being truly happy for someone means you've given up. Simply that we are able to move beyond ourselves and celebrate the joy of others. I think its a sign of strength of character.

frum single female said...

thanks princess lea and aminspiration