Saturday, July 14, 2012

women's prayer groups

    When I was 12 a good friend of mine had her bat mitzvah at a women's  "minyan." Since I myself was twelve at the time I hadn't really put much thought much about women's prayer groups.
     It did seem unusual to hear a woman read from the Torah.  This particular women's prayer group said the brachot upon reading the Torah which I found out later is a no-no even if a woman actually reading from the Torah isn't actually  an issue.
      Since I tend to be on the shy side it never phased me that women aren't included in a minyan or read from the Torah in front of many or anyone else for that matter. I know that other women may think differently, but it never really phased me. I have been to women's prayer groups but the thing that I like about going to shul is that there are men and women . The shuls that I attend do not have a mechitzah at the kiddush. I suppose if all shuls had a mechitzah at the kiddush I might go to a women's prayer group because then what's the difference. I have no problem with a mechitzah for davening but a mechitzah during the kiddush is too much.  I  view shul kiddushes as a social opportunity. Sue me. Its just an opportunity to be social. And if I meet someone in the process even better.

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