Friday, August 3, 2012

the process of inner peace

     Peace is so necessary . Inner peace as well as world peace. When one does not have internal peace one cannot rest. I know that I need to make changes. All around me so many things have changed. My social circles have changed. Never ending unrest at work. I need to change but it is so hard to move. For some people change is so simple , for others familiar chaos sometimes is mistaken for comfortable. Change is like foul tasting medicine. You know it will help but the process may not be so smooth.
      Change is often needed to achieve inner peace. Sometimes it is just a decision one makes despite environmental unrest. 
        Have a peaceful shabbos. I hope that I will too.

1 comment:

Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

I see it the opposite way. Inner peace means contentment with one's current situation. Contentment means lack of urge to grow and every moment we're alive is an opportunity to grow. The real balance is between complacency and burning oneself out.