Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Best Part

     Sometimes the best part of a date is right after you get off of the phone until you meet the person. Yes I know this is rather pessimistic, but I am sure there are those of you out there that can relate. The little crunch time before the date is when one's hopes for a future relationship are still there. Once you meet up it may not be so encouraging. So I try to revel in it while hope is still there.

1 comment:

Garnel Ironheart said...

I once got set up with a girl who was frummer than frum. Me, not so much. We had a great phone conversation but after we hung up I thought "Um, this is just not going to work out" so a few days later I called her again with the intention of saying "Look, you sound nice but we're in different religious locations, it's not going to click and good luck" but she was so thrilled I called her again before we'd even met that we had another great conversation and I never got to use my line.
So I took the easy way out. She showed up in her Shabbos best. I wore my cleanest jeans and my leather university jacket. About 30 minutes into the date she faked a migraine and that was that.