Tuesday, June 18, 2013


     I went to Prospect Park yesterday. It was really beautiful I took some pictures and I realized that Prospect Park looks nothing like the rest of Brooklyn. It makes Brooklyn look like a resort town. Well, almost. I will say that visiting Prospect Park always makes me feel good because its slower paced and is full of nature.Yesterday was my Prospect Park , Brooklyn staycation. Enjoy the pictures and consider visiting Prospect Park if you live in Brooklyn. Its a cheap and enjoyable staycation.


Wondering Minds said...

So that's why people were taking pictures of me fishing yesterday...

Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

As someone who grew up far from New York and whose impression of Brooklyn came from the opening credits of "Welcome Back Kotter" I can only ask: There's green space there?

Mr. Cohen said...

I enjoy Prospect Park, and I hope to go there again soon.

frum single female said...

Wondering Minds- lol
Mighty Garnel Ironheart- yes, there is not much green space in Brooklyn. What little there is is can be found in Prospect Park.