Sunday, June 2, 2013

Special Diets

     Though I am not vegetarian I like vegetables and vegetarian recipe books because as someone who keeps kosher it makes it easier than using a cookbook for those with no specific diet. I was recently reading a cookbook that included information about being vegetarian or vegan and specifically what they should do when going to a restaurant that is not specifically vegetarian or vegan. It was very eye opening as individual who knows people who keep kosher most of the time but "eat dairy out" . There was a list of treif restaurant chains and  lists of  how they make their more vegetarian items. Often potato french fries are treated which beef tallow or made with meat fat. Even if the oil is vegetable oil they often use the same vegetable oil with meat dishes. They may fry eggs on the same griddle as meat  at the same time just a few inches away. Many pies and cakes contain lard. I would say that even if a person thinks that they are "just" eating dairy out they are "just " eating out fleishig as well because even the dairy stuff gets cooked with fleishig and might even have fleishig in it. I would say that if someone ate dairy "out" at a vegetarian restaurant they would know that it was just dairy but not necessarily kosher dairy. If one opts to eat non- kosher dairy  out don't delude one's self into thinking its "just" dairy. It probably is "just" meat as well.


Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

The best diet is one which involves making the food fresh and free of oil oneself.

frum single female said...
